
Critical Making

Critical Making adds scientific insights into the potential of the maker movement for critical, socially responsible making, and shows how these communities can offer new opportunities for young makers of all genders to contribute to an open society via open-source innovation.
Kultur & Bildung

Critical Making adds scientific insights into the potential of the maker movement for critical, socially responsible making, and shows how these communities can offer new opportunities for young makers of all genders to contribute to an open society via open-source innovation. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has shown the importance of the global maker community for a rapid response to lack of medical hardware supplies and reveals the great social and transformative innovation potential of the maker movement.  In this project we will study grassroots innovation processes taking place in makerspaces, hackerspaces, fablabs, etc. and their online spaces and relate them to responsible research and innovation, short RRI, practices. More specifically, we will search for and analyse existing innovation and co-design processes taking place in these open spaces to find out in how far they reflect or contradict RRI principles. 

Projekt-Website: https://criticalmaking.eu

Gefördert von: European Commission (Fördernummer: 101006285) 


  • Centre for Social Innovation – (Austria)
  • Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
  • Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy (Finland)
  • Wikifactory Europe SL (Spain)
  • Global Innovation Gathering e.V. (Global network, formally registered in Germany)

Laufzeit: Januar 2021 bis Juni 2023 

Auftraggeberin: TU Berlin, Fachgebiet ArTe 

Ansprechpartnerin (difgl): Katja Anclam